Health & Immunizations

Oakley Union Elementary School District Wellness Policy

The purpose of this policy is to develop healthy learners through a school environment that promotes and protects students health, well-being and and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. 

Health Care for All Families

The California Department of Education wants to help families make sure they have access to health coverage.  To that end, they created a partnership with Covered California, the Children's Partnership ALL IN for Health and the California Coverage and Health Initiatives agency to help schools provide information about health care options.  Please see the PDF link below or more information.  Additionally, you can visit All In For Health.

2016 Immunization Requirements

The Governor signed Senate Bill 277 which removed the personal belief exemption (PBE) from school immunization requirements.  This means that beginning January 1, 2016, the Oakley Union Elementary School District will no longer accept PBE forms for children entering preschool, kindergarten and 7th grade.  A personal belief exemption submitted prior to January 1, 2016 will remain valid until the student enters kindergarten, transitional kindergarten or 7th grade. 

When to Keep a Child Home...

It is sometimes difficult to decide when and how long to keep an ill child home from school. The following guidelines represent some of the common childhood illnesses and general guidelines.