Measure W Citizens Oversight Committee
Citizens Oversight Committee Requirements
State Law requires the establishment of a Citizen's Oversight Committee following the passage of a bond measure:
to actively monitor all projects and expenditures approved by the voters;
to provide proper oversight and accountability to ensure that Measure W funds are used as they were intended; and
to report to the community on the progress of Measure W projects.
State Law also sets forth the types of community members we need on the Oversight Committee. Specifically, we are required to have:
One active member of a business organization (i.e. Chamber of Commerce)
One active member of a senior organization
One active member of a tax payer organization
One at-large member of the public
One parent of children attending school in the District
One active parent member of a District support organization (i.e., school site council, PTA)
One active farming/ agricultural representative
Committee Members
Member | Designation |
Jennifer Furer | PTA President |
Donna Baker | Member of Senior Citizens Group |
Vacant | Business Owner |
Vacant | Member of Taxpayer’s Organization |
Aaron Meadows | Farmer/ Agricultural representative |
Lindsay Waters | Parent of students currently in the District |
Pat Walsh | Member-at-large |