Welcome to Business and Operation Services!
The Business and Operations Services Division of the Oakley Union Elementary School District provides a variety of critical services and supports to support the District's staff, students, and community. Our goal is to align the budget with the Local Control Accountability Plan, the District Vision and Mission, and the District and Board Priorities. We strive to maintain long-term and short-term fiscal solvency and financial stability by monitoring the changing fiscal environment, monitoring programs for changes that create increased expenditures, and monitoring long term liabilities. We strive to be transparent, clear, and straightforward in order to create a common understanding around our fiscal health, decisions, and future.
These services include:
Managing the District's fiscal resources, budgets, and accounting records
Providing payroll services for all District employees
Providing technology services for School Sites and District office
Maintaining the safety, cleanliness and general repair of all District facilities
Making school lunches and breakfasts available to all students
It also includes:
Tracking insurance claims and other risk management incidents
Managing disposals of records and materials, including securing Board approval where required
Managing permanent record storage
Short-term and long-term financial planning
Providing purchasing and procurement services
Managing facility rentals and usage
Providing information for residential and commercial developer fees and collecting fees when appropriate
Requests for Proposals for official bids

Rianne Pfaltzgraff
Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operation Services
(925) 625-5054
Email Rianne Pfaltzgraff
Lynelle Russell
Business and Operation Services Secretary
(925) 625-6842
Email Lynelle Russell