Summer Lake School Construction Updates
Summer Lake Elementary Video - a short video touring Summer Lake Elementary School
April 24, 2020
Dear Summer Lake Parents, Guardians, Family and Friends,
I hope this correspondence finds you and your family well. I wanted to take a minute and give you an update on the construction of Summer Lake School. As you may or may not know, the executive order of shelter in place by Governor Newsome brought to a stop all construction that was deemed non-essential. The Oakley Union Elementary School District Board of Trustees at the April 15, 2020 Board Meeting passed a resolution that deemed the construction of Summer Lake School as essential. As a result of this resolution being passed, the construction of the school has resumed. Included in this correspondence are the most current pictures of Summer Lake School both inside and out.
As of April 24, 2020 all buildings at Summer Lake are completely finished. Over the next couple of weeks the furniture will be installed in all classrooms and the playgrounds will be completed. Beginning the week of April 27, 2020 the landscape contractor will be back on site and begin removing all of the weeds, finish the irrigation and begin to back fill the landscape areas. Once that is complete, the planting will begin to take place. As of the writing of this correspondence, the fencing contractor is on site and finishing up all the external fencing.
Summer Lake School is truly a beautiful school. This has been a long process and the completion of the school is very near. I realize that this has been a difficult situation for many and I greatly appreciate the patience and understanding. We are planning for Summer Lake School to open for the 2020-2021 school year, pending school guidelines mandated by the State under the current conditions. I will continue to update all stakeholders on the developments of our current COVID-19 situation and the mandates from our health professionals that we must all follow.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or by phone at (925) 625-5050. I thank you for your continued support and understanding. Please continue to practice physical distancing and follow all of the safety recommendations from the health department, so you and your family will be healthy when we are able to return to school. Working together, we do make a difference! Have a great day. Be well.
Greg Hetrick