Cell Phones and Other Mobile Communications Devices

Students are not allowed to use personal mobile communications devices (i.e. cell phones, Smart watches, etc) on school grounds. These devices must be turned off during the entire school day and must be securely put away or turned in to the teacher. The school and District are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

If a student uses a cell phone or pager during the school day it may be confiscated by the teacher or principal and a parent will have to pick it up from the office.

The Oakley Union Elementary School District reserves the right to search any cell phone brought to school and used anytime during the school day in violation of District Policy 5131, “Possession/Use of Cellular Phone and other Mobile Communication Devices.” Inappropriate verbal or text messages, pictures or other material found on the phone may be grounds for disciplinary action.  “Inappropriate verbal or text messages, pictures or other materials” includes but is not limited to harassing statements or any communication that creates a hostile environment based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or disability; discriminatory statements; sexual statements or pictures; and messages to organize activities that may cause harm to any student, involve drugs and/or alcohol, or that spreads false information about any other student or employee of the school district.”